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SSAT Reading Comprehension - Upper Level - Free SSAT Practice Test

SSAT Reading Comprehension - Upper Level - Free SSAT Practice Test

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Florence Nightingale was a woman ahead of her time. Before the nineteenth century, the profession of nursing was largely untrained. Midwives were the only practitioners who had any training at all. For the most part, sick people were looked after by the women of the house in their own homes. Florence Nightingale began a school in London, England to set the standards for nursing. She was able to do this because she had already established a reputation for her work with soldiers during the Crimean War. She carried a lamp above her head as she walked among the wounded men, thereby earning the nickname “the lady with the lamp.” It was this great lady who lit the way for nursing to become the respected profession it is today.

The passage is mainly about

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Florence Nightingale was a woman ahead of her time. Before the nineteenth century, the profession of nursing was largely untrained. Midwives were the only practitioners who had any training at all. For the most part, sick people were looked after by the women of the house in their own homes. Florence Nightingale began a school in London, England to set the standards for nursing. She was able to do this because she had already established a reputation for her work with soldiers during the Crimean War. She carried a lamp above her head as she walked among the wounded men, thereby earning the nickname “the lady with the lamp.” It was this great lady who lit the way for nursing to become the respected profession it is today.

Which of the following was a method most people used to receive care before Florence Nightingale’s time?

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Florence Nightingale was a woman ahead of her time. Before the nineteenth century, the profession of nursing was largely untrained. Midwives were the only practitioners who had any training at all. For the most part, sick people were looked after by the women of the house in their own homes. Florence Nightingale began a school in London, England to set the standards for nursing. She was able to do this because she had already established a reputation for her work with soldiers during the Crimean War. She carried a lamp above her head as she walked among the wounded men, thereby earning the nickname “the lady with the lamp.” It was this great lady who lit the way for nursing to become the respected profession it is today.

The style of the passage is most like that found in a(n)

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Florence Nightingale was a woman ahead of her time. Before the nineteenth century, the profession of nursing was largely untrained. Midwives were the only practitioners who had any training at all. For the most part, sick people were looked after by the women of the house in their own homes. Florence Nightingale began a school in London, England to set the standards for nursing. She was able to do this because she had already established a reputation for her work with soldiers during the Crimean War. She carried a lamp above her head as she walked among the wounded men, thereby earning the nickname “the lady with the lamp.” It was this great lady who lit the way for nursing to become the respected profession it is today.

According to the author, the primary reason that Florence Nightingale was able to open a school for nursing was that

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Florence Nightingale was a woman ahead of her time. Before the nineteenth century, the profession of nursing was largely untrained. Midwives were the only practitioners who had any training at all. For the most part, sick people were looked after by the women of the house in their own homes. Florence Nightingale began a school in London, England to set the standards for nursing. She was able to do this because she had already established a reputation for her work with soldiers during the Crimean War. She carried a lamp above her head as she walked among the wounded men, thereby earning the nickname “the lady with the lamp.” It was this great lady who lit the way for nursing to become the respected profession it is today.

According to the passage, all of the following could be said of nurses EXCEPT

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In England during the mid-1600s, a group of poor English farmers led by Gerrard Winstanley united to form an organization known as the True Levelers. Their stated goal was to change the laws regarding real estate and ownable property so that all willing citizens would be able to support themselves through farming. At the time in England, there was great social unrest and food prices were very high. Most of the land throughout the country was strictly divided and controlled by a small number of the elite ruling class. The True Levelers believed that they could “level” the different classes of society by creating communities in which the farmable private land was owned by all and available for agrarian purposes. To fight the unequal system that only benefited the wealthy landowners, the True Levelers defiantly occupied private and public land and began farming. Because much of farming involves plowing and planting, these groups of communal farmers became better known by the name Diggers. Their hope was that their act of rebellion would stir the sympathies of the other poor people throughout the country. The Digger philosophy was to unite all the poor and working classes behind the idea that the land should be shared. If thousands of common English folk began to claim reasonable access to the land, the powerful landowners would be unable to stop them. In practice for a brief time, Digger communities flourished as they welcomed anyone who wished to merely grow their own food and live freely.Sadly, the landowners believed the Diggers were a threat and began to take steps to preserve their control over the farmable land. Many members of the Digger communities were harassed, threatened, and jailed. Planting vegetables was viewed as a rebellious act and dealt with as if it were a crime. The majority of land reverted back into the hands of the landowners. Ultimately, most of the Digger communities that had briefly thrived were disbanded. In their place, other political groups arose and continued to protest the various injustices of the time. The Digger name continues to the present day in some English folk songs as a reminder of their ideals.

The word “agrarian” is most similar to which of the following?

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In England during the mid-1600s, a group of poor English farmers led by Gerrard Winstanley united to form an organization known as the True Levelers. Their stated goal was to change the laws regarding real estate and ownable property so that all willing citizens would be able to support themselves through farming. At the time in England, there was great social unrest and food prices were very high. Most of the land throughout the country was strictly divided and controlled by a small number of the elite ruling class. The True Levelers believed that they could “level” the different classes of society by creating communities in which the farmable private land was owned by all and available for agrarian purposes. To fight the unequal system that only benefited the wealthy landowners, the True Levelers defiantly occupied private and public land and began farming. Because much of farming involves plowing and planting, these groups of communal farmers became better known by the name Diggers. Their hope was that their act of rebellion would stir the sympathies of the other poor people throughout the country. The Digger philosophy was to unite all the poor and working classes behind the idea that the land should be shared. If thousands of common English folk began to claim reasonable access to the land, the powerful landowners would be unable to stop them. In practice for a brief time, Digger communities flourished as they welcomed anyone who wished to merely grow their own food and live freely.Sadly, the landowners believed the Diggers were a threat and began to take steps to preserve their control over the farmable land. Many members of the Digger communities were harassed, threatened, and jailed. Planting vegetables was viewed as a rebellious act and dealt with as if it were a crime. The majority of land reverted back into the hands of the landowners. Ultimately, most of the Digger communities that had briefly thrived were disbanded. In their place, other political groups arose and continued to protest the various injustices of the time. The Digger name continues to the present day in some English folk songs as a reminder of their ideals.

Which of the following can be inferred about the Diggers as described in the passage?

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In England during the mid-1600s, a group of poor English farmers led by Gerrard Winstanley united to form an organization known as the True Levelers. Their stated goal was to change the laws regarding real estate and ownable property so that all willing citizens would be able to support themselves through farming. At the time in England, there was great social unrest and food prices were very high. Most of the land throughout the country was strictly divided and controlled by a small number of the elite ruling class. The True Levelers believed that they could “level” the different classes of society by creating communities in which the farmable private land was owned by all and available for agrarian purposes. To fight the unequal system that only benefited the wealthy landowners, the True Levelers defiantly occupied private and public land and began farming. Because much of farming involves plowing and planting, these groups of communal farmers became better known by the name Diggers. Their hope was that their act of rebellion would stir the sympathies of the other poor people throughout the country. The Digger philosophy was to unite all the poor and working classes behind the idea that the land should be shared. If thousands of common English folk began to claim reasonable access to the land, the powerful landowners would be unable to stop them. In practice for a brief time, Digger communities flourished as they welcomed anyone who wished to merely grow their own food and live freely.Sadly, the landowners believed the Diggers were a threat and began to take steps to preserve their control over the farmable land. Many members of the Digger communities were harassed, threatened, and jailed. Planting vegetables was viewed as a rebellious act and dealt with as if it were a crime. The majority of land reverted back into the hands of the landowners. Ultimately, most of the Digger communities that had briefly thrived were disbanded. In their place, other political groups arose and continued to protest the various injustices of the time. The Digger name continues to the present day in some English folk songs as a reminder of their ideals.

Which of the following was the most significant point of conflict between landowners and Diggers?

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In England during the mid-1600s, a group of poor English farmers led by Gerrard Winstanley united to form an organization known as the True Levelers. Their stated goal was to change the laws regarding real estate and ownable property so that all willing citizens would be able to support themselves through farming. At the time in England, there was great social unrest and food prices were very high. Most of the land throughout the country was strictly divided and controlled by a small number of the elite ruling class. The True Levelers believed that they could “level” the different classes of society by creating communities in which the farmable private land was owned by all and available for agrarian purposes. To fight the unequal system that only benefited the wealthy landowners, the True Levelers defiantly occupied private and public land and began farming. Because much of farming involves plowing and planting, these groups of communal farmers became better known by the name Diggers. Their hope was that their act of rebellion would stir the sympathies of the other poor people throughout the country. The Digger philosophy was to unite all the poor and working classes behind the idea that the land should be shared. If thousands of common English folk began to claim reasonable access to the land, the powerful landowners would be unable to stop them. In practice for a brief time, Digger communities flourished as they welcomed anyone who wished to merely grow their own food and live freely.Sadly, the landowners believed the Diggers were a threat and began to take steps to preserve their control over the farmable land. Many members of the Digger communities were harassed, threatened, and jailed. Planting vegetables was viewed as a rebellious act and dealt with as if it were a crime. The majority of land reverted back into the hands of the landowners. Ultimately, most of the Digger communities that had briefly thrived were disbanded. In their place, other political groups arose and continued to protest the various injustices of the time. The Digger name continues to the present day in some English folk songs as a reminder of their ideals.

The passage is primarily about

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In England during the mid-1600s, a group of poor English farmers led by Gerrard Winstanley united to form an organization known as the True Levelers. Their stated goal was to change the laws regarding real estate and ownable property so that all willing citizens would be able to support themselves through farming. At the time in England, there was great social unrest and food prices were very high. Most of the land throughout the country was strictly divided and controlled by a small number of the elite ruling class. The True Levelers believed that they could “level” the different classes of society by creating communities in which the farmable private land was owned by all and available for agrarian purposes. To fight the unequal system that only benefited the wealthy landowners, the True Levelers defiantly occupied private and public land and began farming. Because much of farming involves plowing and planting, these groups of communal farmers became better known by the name Diggers. Their hope was that their act of rebellion would stir the sympathies of the other poor people throughout the country. The Digger philosophy was to unite all the poor and working classes behind the idea that the land should be shared. If thousands of common English folk began to claim reasonable access to the land, the powerful landowners would be unable to stop them. In practice for a brief time, Digger communities flourished as they welcomed anyone who wished to merely grow their own food and live freely.Sadly, the landowners believed the Diggers were a threat and began to take steps to preserve their control over the farmable land. Many members of the Digger communities were harassed, threatened, and jailed. Planting vegetables was viewed as a rebellious act and dealt with as if it were a crime. The majority of land reverted back into the hands of the landowners. Ultimately, most of the Digger communities that had briefly thrived were disbanded. In their place, other political groups arose and continued to protest the various injustices of the time. The Digger name continues to the present day in some English folk songs as a reminder of their ideals.

According to the passage, what is the most sig-nificant difference between True Levelers and the Diggers?

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Flax has been raised for many thousands of years, for many different reasons. Probably the two most important reasons are for the fabric made from it and the oil produced from it. The woody stem of the flax plant contains the long, strong fibers that are used to make linen. The seeds are rich in an oil important for its industrial uses.The people of ancient Egypt, Assyria, and Mesopotamia raised flax for cloth; Egyptian mummies were wrapped in linen. Since the discovery of its drying ability, the oil from flaxseed, called linseed oil, has been used as a drying agent in paints and varnishes. The best fiber and the best seed cannot be obtained from the same kinds of plant. Fiber flax grows tall and has few branches. It needs a short, cool growing season with plenty of rainfall evenly distributed. Otherwise, the plants become woody and the fiber is rough and dry. On the other hand, seed flax grows well in places that are too dry for fiber flax. The plants are lower to the ground and have more branches. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

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Flax has been raised for many thousands of years, for many different reasons. Probably the two most important reasons are for the fabric made from it and the oil produced from it. The woody stem of the flax plant contains the long, strong fibers that are used to make linen. The seeds are rich in an oil important for its industrial uses.The people of ancient Egypt, Assyria, and Mesopotamia raised flax for cloth; Egyptian mummies were wrapped in linen. Since the discovery of its drying ability, the oil from flaxseed, called linseed oil, has been used as a drying agent in paints and varnishes. The best fiber and the best seed cannot be obtained from the same kinds of plant. Fiber flax grows tall and has few branches. It needs a short, cool growing season with plenty of rainfall evenly distributed. Otherwise, the plants become woody and the fiber is rough and dry. On the other hand, seed flax grows well in places that are too dry for fiber flax. The plants are lower to the ground and have more branches.

The author suggests that ancient people raised flax primarily for

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Flax has been raised for many thousands of years, for many different reasons. Probably the two most important reasons are for the fabric made from it and the oil produced from it. The woody stem of the flax plant contains the long, strong fibers that are used to make linen. The seeds are rich in an oil important for its industrial uses.The people of ancient Egypt, Assyria, and Mesopotamia raised flax for cloth; Egyptian mummies were wrapped in linen. Since the discovery of its drying ability, the oil from flaxseed, called linseed oil, has been used as a drying agent in paints and varnishes. The best fiber and the best seed cannot be obtained from the same kinds of plant. Fiber flax grows tall and has few branches. It needs a short, cool growing season with plenty of rainfall evenly distributed. Otherwise, the plants become woody and the fiber is rough and dry. On the other hand, seed flax grows well in places that are too dry for fiber flax. The plants are lower to the ground and have more branches.

This passage sounds as if it were an excerpt from

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Flax has been raised for many thousands of years, for many different reasons. Probably the two most important reasons are for the fabric made from it and the oil produced from it. The woody stem of the flax plant contains the long, strong fibers that are used to make linen. The seeds are rich in an oil important for its industrial uses.The people of ancient Egypt, Assyria, and Mesopotamia raised flax for cloth; Egyptian mummies were wrapped in linen. Since the discovery of its drying ability, the oil from flaxseed, called linseed oil, has been used as a drying agent in paints and varnishes. The best fiber and the best seed cannot be obtained from the same kinds of plant. Fiber flax grows tall and has few branches. It needs a short, cool growing season with plenty of rainfall evenly distributed. Otherwise, the plants become woody and the fiber is rough and dry. On the other hand, seed flax grows well in places that are too dry for fiber flax. The plants are lower to the ground and have more branches.

Which of the following questions is answered by the passage?

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Flax has been raised for many thousands of years, for many different reasons. Probably the two most important reasons are for the fabric made from it and the oil produced from it. The woody stem of the flax plant contains the long, strong fibers that are used to make linen. The seeds are rich in an oil important for its industrial uses.The people of ancient Egypt, Assyria, and Mesopotamia raised flax for cloth; Egyptian mummies were wrapped in linen. Since the discovery of its drying ability, the oil from flaxseed, called linseed oil, has been used as a drying agent in paints and varnishes. The best fiber and the best seed cannot be obtained from the same kinds of plant. Fiber flax grows tall and has few branches. It needs a short, cool growing season with plenty of rainfall evenly distributed. Otherwise, the plants become woody and the fiber is rough and dry. On the other hand, seed flax grows well in places that are too dry for fiber flax. The plants are lower to the ground and have more branches.

Which of the following is the author most likely to discuss next?

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William, Duke of Normandy, conquered England in 1066. One of the first tasks he undertook as king was the building of a fortress in the city of London. Begun in 1066 and completed several years later by William’s son, William Rufus, this structure was called the White Tower.The Tower of London is not just one building, but an 18-acre complex of buildings. In addition to the White Tower, there are 19 other towers. The Thames River flows by one side of the complex and a large moat, or shallow ditch, surrounds it. Once filled with water, the moat was drained in 1843 and is now covered with grass.The Tower of London is the city’s most popular tourist attraction. A great deal of fascinating history has taken place within its walls. The tower has served as a fortress, royal residence, prison, royal mint, public records office, observatory, military barracks, place of execution, and city zoo.As recently as 1941, the tower was used as a prison for Adolf Hitler’s associate Rudolf Hess. Although it is no longer used as a prison, the tower still houses the crown jewels and a great deal of English history.

The primary purpose of this passage is to

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William, Duke of Normandy, conquered England in 1066. One of the first tasks he undertook as king was the building of a fortress in the city of London. Begun in 1066 and completed several years later by William’s son, William Rufus, this structure was called the White Tower.The Tower of London is not just one building, but an 18-acre complex of buildings. In addition to the White Tower, there are 19 other towers. The Thames River flows by one side of the complex and a large moat, or shallow ditch, surrounds it. Once filled with water, the moat was drained in 1843 and is now covered with grass.The Tower of London is the city’s most popular tourist attraction. A great deal of fascinating history has taken place within its walls. The tower has served as a fortress, royal residence, prison, royal mint, public records office, observatory, military barracks, place of execution, and city zoo.As recently as 1941, the tower was used as a prison for Adolf Hitler’s associate Rudolf Hess. Although it is no longer used as a prison, the tower still houses the crown jewels and a great deal of English history.

All of the following were uses for the Tower of London EXCEPT

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William, Duke of Normandy, conquered England in 1066. One of the first tasks he undertook as king was the building of a fortress in the city of London. Begun in 1066 and completed several years later by William’s son, William Rufus, this structure was called the White Tower.The Tower of London is not just one building, but an 18-acre complex of buildings. In addition to the White Tower, there are 19 other towers. The Thames River flows by one side of the complex and a large moat, or shallow ditch, surrounds it. Once filled with water, the moat was drained in 1843 and is now covered with grass.The Tower of London is the city’s most popular tourist attraction. A great deal of fascinating history has taken place within its walls. The tower has served as a fortress, royal residence, prison, royal mint, public records office, observatory, military barracks, place of execution, and city zoo.As recently as 1941, the tower was used as a prison for Adolf Hitler’s associate Rudolf Hess. Although it is no longer used as a prison, the tower still houses the crown jewels and a great deal of English history.

Which of the following questions is answered by the passage?

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William, Duke of Normandy, conquered England in 1066. One of the first tasks he undertook as king was the building of a fortress in the city of London. Begun in 1066 and completed several years later by William’s son, William Rufus, this structure was called the White Tower.The Tower of London is not just one building, but an 18-acre complex of buildings. In addition to the White Tower, there are 19 other towers. The Thames River flows by one side of the complex and a large moat, or shallow ditch, surrounds it. Once filled with water, the moat was drained in 1843 and is now covered with grass.The Tower of London is the city’s most popular tourist attraction. A great deal of fascinating history has taken place within its walls. The tower has served as a fortress, royal residence, prison, royal mint, public records office, observatory, military barracks, place of execution, and city zoo.As recently as 1941, the tower was used as a prison for Adolf Hitler’s associate Rudolf Hess. Although it is no longer used as a prison, the tower still houses the crown jewels and a great deal of English history.

When discussing the Tower of London the au-thor’s tone could best be described as

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William, Duke of Normandy, conquered England in 1066. One of the first tasks he undertook as king was the building of a fortress in the city of London. Begun in 1066 and completed several years later by William’s son, William Rufus, this structure was called the White Tower.The Tower of London is not just one building, but an 18-acre complex of buildings. In addition to the White Tower, there are 19 other towers. The Thames River flows by one side of the complex and a large moat, or shallow ditch, surrounds it. Once filled with water, the moat was drained in 1843 and is now covered with grass.The Tower of London is the city’s most popular tourist attraction. A great deal of fascinating history has taken place within its walls. The tower has served as a fortress, royal residence, prison, royal mint, public records office, observatory, military barracks, place of execution, and city zoo.As recently as 1941, the tower was used as a prison for Adolf Hitler’s associate Rudolf Hess. Although it is no longer used as a prison, the tower still houses the crown jewels and a great deal of English history.

Which of the following does the author imply about Rudolph Hess?

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William, Duke of Normandy, conquered England in 1066. One of the first tasks he undertook as king was the building of a fortress in the city of London. Begun in 1066 and completed several years later by William’s son, William Rufus, this structure was called the White Tower.The Tower of London is not just one building, but an 18-acre complex of buildings. In addition to the White Tower, there are 19 other towers. The Thames River flows by one side of the complex and a large moat, or shallow ditch, surrounds it. Once filled with water, the moat was drained in 1843 and is now covered with grass.The Tower of London is the city’s most popular tourist attraction. A great deal of fascinating history has taken place within its walls. The tower has served as a fortress, royal residence, prison, royal mint, public records office, observatory, military barracks, place of execution, and city zoo.As recently as 1941, the tower was used as a prison for Adolf Hitler’s associate Rudolf Hess. Although it is no longer used as a prison, the tower still houses the crown jewels and a great deal of English history.

The author would most probably agree that

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William, Duke of Normandy, conquered England in 1066. One of the first tasks he undertook as king was the building of a fortress in the city of London. Begun in 1066 and completed several years later by William’s son, William Rufus, this structure was called the White Tower.The Tower of London is not just one building, but an 18-acre complex of buildings. In addition to the White Tower, there are 19 other towers. The Thames River flows by one side of the complex and a large moat, or shallow ditch, surrounds it. Once filled with water, the moat was drained in 1843 and is now covered with grass.The Tower of London is the city’s most popular tourist attraction. A great deal of fascinating history has taken place within its walls. The tower has served as a fortress, royal residence, prison, royal mint, public records office, observatory, military barracks, place of execution, and city zoo.As recently as 1941, the tower was used as a prison for Adolf Hitler’s associate Rudolf Hess. Although it is no longer used as a prison, the tower still houses the crown jewels and a great deal of English history.

Which of the following best expresses the author’s attitude toward the painting?

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William, Duke of Normandy, conquered England in 1066. One of the first tasks he undertook as king was the building of a fortress in the city of London. Begun in 1066 and completed several years later by William’s son, William Rufus, this structure was called the White Tower.The Tower of London is not just one building, but an 18-acre complex of buildings. In addition to the White Tower, there are 19 other towers. The Thames River flows by one side of the complex and a large moat, or shallow ditch, surrounds it. Once filled with water, the moat was drained in 1843 and is now covered with grass.The Tower of London is the city’s most popular tourist attraction. A great deal of fascinating history has taken place within its walls. The tower has served as a fortress, royal residence, prison, royal mint, public records office, observatory, military barracks, place of execution, and city zoo.As recently as 1941, the tower was used as a prison for Adolf Hitler’s associate Rudolf Hess. Although it is no longer used as a prison, the tower still houses the crown jewels and a great deal of English history.

Which of the following is a fact from the passage?

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William, Duke of Normandy, conquered England in 1066. One of the first tasks he undertook as king was the building of a fortress in the city of London. Begun in 1066 and completed several years later by William’s son, William Rufus, this structure was called the White Tower.The Tower of London is not just one building, but an 18-acre complex of buildings. In addition to the White Tower, there are 19 other towers. The Thames River flows by one side of the complex and a large moat, or shallow ditch, surrounds it. Once filled with water, the moat was drained in 1843 and is now covered with grass.The Tower of London is the city’s most popular tourist attraction. A great deal of fascinating history has taken place within its walls. The tower has served as a fortress, royal residence, prison, royal mint, public records office, observatory, military barracks, place of execution, and city zoo.As recently as 1941, the tower was used as a prison for Adolf Hitler’s associate Rudolf Hess. Although it is no longer used as a prison, the tower still houses the crown jewels and a great deal of English history.

The author implies which of the following?

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William, Duke of Normandy, conquered England in 1066. One of the first tasks he undertook as king was the building of a fortress in the city of London. Begun in 1066 and completed several years later by William’s son, William Rufus, this structure was called the White Tower.The Tower of London is not just one building, but an 18-acre complex of buildings. In addition to the White Tower, there are 19 other towers. The Thames River flows by one side of the complex and a large moat, or shallow ditch, surrounds it. Once filled with water, the moat was drained in 1843 and is now covered with grass.The Tower of London is the city’s most popular tourist attraction. A great deal of fascinating history has taken place within its walls. The tower has served as a fortress, royal residence, prison, royal mint, public records office, observatory, military barracks, place of execution, and city zoo.As recently as 1941, the tower was used as a prison for Adolf Hitler’s associate Rudolf Hess. Although it is no longer used as a prison, the tower still houses the crown jewels and a great deal of English history.

The author’s tone can best be described as

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The first old “horseless carriages” of the 1880s may have been worthy of a snicker or two, but not the cars of today. The progress that has been made over the last one hundred years has been phenomenal. In fact, much progress was made even in the first twenty years—in 1903, cars could travel at 70 miles per hour. The major change from the old cars to today is the expense. Whereas cars were once a luxury that only the very wealthy could afford, today, people of all income levels own cars.In fact, there are so many cars that if they were to line up end to end, they would touch the moon. Cars are used for everyday transportation for millions of people, for recreation, and for work. Many people’s jobs depend on cars—police officers, health care workers, and taxi drivers all rely on automobiles.One thing that hasn’t changed is how cars are powered. The first cars ran on gas and diesel fuel just as the most modern ones do. The newer cars, however, are much more fuel efficient and much research is devoted to saving fuel and finding new sources of energy for cars.

The “progress” mentioned in line 2 most likely refers to

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The first old “horseless carriages” of the 1880s may have been worthy of a snicker or two, but not the cars of today. The progress that has been made over the last one hundred years has been phenomenal. In fact, much progress was made even in the first twenty years—in 1903, cars could travel at 70 miles per hour. The major change from the old cars to today is the expense. Whereas cars were once a luxury that only the very wealthy could afford, today, people of all income levels own cars.In fact, there are so many cars that if they were to line up end to end, they would touch the moon. Cars are used for everyday transportation for millions of people, for recreation, and for work. Many people’s jobs depend on cars—police officers, health care workers, and taxi drivers all rely on automobiles.One thing that hasn’t changed is how cars are powered. The first cars ran on gas and diesel fuel just as the most modern ones do. The newer cars, however, are much more fuel efficient and much research is devoted to saving fuel and finding new sources of energy for cars.

Which of the following is answered by the passage?

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The first old “horseless carriages” of the 1880s may have been worthy of a snicker or two, but not the cars of today. The progress that has been made over the last one hundred years has been phenomenal. In fact, much progress was made even in the first twenty years—in 1903, cars could travel at 70 miles per hour. The major change from the old cars to today is the expense. Whereas cars were once a luxury that only the very wealthy could afford, today, people of all income levels own cars.In fact, there are so many cars that if they were to line up end to end, they would touch the moon. Cars are used for everyday transportation for millions of people, for recreation, and for work. Many people’s jobs depend on cars—police officers, health care workers, and taxi drivers all rely on automobiles.One thing that hasn’t changed is how cars are powered. The first cars ran on gas and diesel fuel just as the most modern ones do. The newer cars, however, are much more fuel efficient and much research is devoted to saving fuel and finding new sources of energy for cars.

The passage is primarily concerned with

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The first old “horseless carriages” of the 1880s may have been worthy of a snicker or two, but not the cars of today. The progress that has been made over the last one hundred years has been phenomenal. In fact, much progress was made even in the first twenty years—in 1903, cars could travel at 70 miles per hour. The major change from the old cars to today is the expense. Whereas cars were once a luxury that only the very wealthy could afford, today, people of all income levels own cars.In fact, there are so many cars that if they were to line up end to end, they would touch the moon. Cars are used for everyday transportation for millions of people, for recreation, and for work. Many people’s jobs depend on cars—police officers, health care workers, and taxi drivers all rely on automobiles.One thing that hasn’t changed is how cars are powered. The first cars ran on gas and diesel fuel just as the most modern ones do. The newer cars, however, are much more fuel efficient and much research is devoted to saving fuel and finding new sources of energy for cars.

According to the passage, scientists devote much of their research today to

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The first old “horseless carriages” of the 1880s may have been worthy of a snicker or two, but not the cars of today. The progress that has been made over the last one hundred years has been phenomenal. In fact, much progress was made even in the first twenty years—in 1903, cars could travel at 70 miles per hour. The major change from the old cars to today is the expense. Whereas cars were once a luxury that only the very wealthy could afford, today, people of all income levels own cars.In fact, there are so many cars that if they were to line up end to end, they would touch the moon. Cars are used for everyday transportation for millions of people, for recreation, and for work. Many people’s jobs depend on cars—police officers, health care workers, and taxi drivers all rely on automobiles.One thing that hasn’t changed is how cars are powered. The first cars ran on gas and diesel fuel just as the most modern ones do. The newer cars, however, are much more fuel efficient and much research is devoted to saving fuel and finding new sources of energy for cars.

When discussing the technological advances of the early car, the author’s tone could best be described as

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The first old “horseless carriages” of the 1880s may have been worthy of a snicker or two, but not the cars of today. The progress that has been made over the last one hundred years has been phenomenal. In fact, much progress was made even in the first twenty years—in 1903, cars could travel at 70 miles per hour. The major change from the old cars to today is the expense. Whereas cars were once a luxury that only the very wealthy could afford, today, people of all income levels own cars.In fact, there are so many cars that if they were to line up end to end, they would touch the moon. Cars are used for everyday transportation for millions of people, for recreation, and for work. Many people’s jobs depend on cars—police officers, health care workers, and taxi drivers all rely on automobiles.One thing that hasn’t changed is how cars are powered. The first cars ran on gas and diesel fuel just as the most modern ones do. The newer cars, however, are much more fuel efficient and much research is devoted to saving fuel and finding new sources of energy for cars.

The author would most likely agree that

32 / 40

By the rude bridge that arched the flood, Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled,Here once the embattled farmers stoodAnd fired the shot heard round the world.The foe long since in silence slept;Alike the conqueror silent sleeps;And Time the ruined bridge has sweptDown the dark stream which seaward creeps. On this green bank, by this soft stream,We set to-day a votive stone;That memory may their deed redeem,When, like our sires, our sons are gone. Spirit, that made those heroes dareTo die, and leave their children free,Bid Time and Nature gently spareThe shaft we raise to them and thee.—“Concord Hymn” by Ralph Waldo Emerson

The statements in lines 3-4 most likely mean

33 / 40

By the rude bridge that arched the flood, Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled,Here once the embattled farmers stoodAnd fired the shot heard round the world.The foe long since in silence slept;Alike the conqueror silent sleeps;And Time the ruined bridge has sweptDown the dark stream which seaward creeps. On this green bank, by this soft stream,We set to-day a votive stone;That memory may their deed redeem,When, like our sires, our sons are gone. Spirit, that made those heroes dareTo die, and leave their children free,Bid Time and Nature gently spareThe shaft we raise to them and thee.—“Concord Hymn” by Ralph Waldo Emerson

In the poem, the speaker claims which of the reasons for writing this poem? I. To warn future generations about the horrors of war II. To keep the memory of the great deeds of soldiers alive III. To gain courage to fight himself

34 / 40

By the rude bridge that arched the flood, Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled,Here once the embattled farmers stoodAnd fired the shot heard round the world.The foe long since in silence slept;Alike the conqueror silent sleeps;And Time the ruined bridge has sweptDown the dark stream which seaward creeps. On this green bank, by this soft stream,We set to-day a votive stone;That memory may their deed redeem,When, like our sires, our sons are gone. Spirit, that made those heroes dareTo die, and leave their children free,Bid Time and Nature gently spareThe shaft we raise to them and thee.—“Concord Hymn” by Ralph Waldo Emerson

The “votive stone” referred to in line 10 probably refers to

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By the rude bridge that arched the flood, Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled,Here once the embattled farmers stoodAnd fired the shot heard round the world.The foe long since in silence slept;Alike the conqueror silent sleeps;And Time the ruined bridge has sweptDown the dark stream which seaward creeps. On this green bank, by this soft stream,We set to-day a votive stone;That memory may their deed redeem,When, like our sires, our sons are gone. Spirit, that made those heroes dareTo die, and leave their children free,Bid Time and Nature gently spareThe shaft we raise to them and thee.—“Concord Hymn” by Ralph Waldo Emerson

With which statement would the author most strongly agree?

36 / 40

Jose Ferrer was known as one of the most successful American film actors of his generation, but he actually began his career in theater. He was born January 8, 1909 in Puerto Rico and moved to the United States when he was six years old. His acting skills were first showcased while he attended Princeton University and performed with the Triangle Club, a student acting group whose alumni also include Jimmy Stewart and F. Scott Fitzgerald After graduating, Ferrer continued to perform in theater until he made his Broadway debut in 1935 in the play Charley's Aunt. He had many successful roles on Broadway, including a role in 1943 when he played the villain lago in Shakespeare's play Othello. The title role of Othello in that production was played by the acclaimed actor Paul Robeson. With these two powerful performers, Othello became the longest running play in Broadway history. This record still stands. Ferrer's greatest role, though, was still to come. In 1946, Ferrer was cast in the title role of Cyrano de Bergerac. He won theprestigious Tony award as Cyrano, the tragic hero who fights men with supreme courage but cowardly hides his love for the beautiful Roxanne. His success in this role led directly to his repeated performances as Cyrano in a film version (for which he won an Oscar) and a television version (for which he won an Emmy). He is the only actor to win all three of those special awards for playing the same role. This feat is all the more remarkable because Cyrano de Bergerac was known as a desirable role, one that had been played very well previously by other talented actors. Through these roles, Ferrer earned a reputation on Broadway as an extremely flexible actor, talented enough to play many diverse roles. Eight years after his debut in professional theater, he finally started performing in movies. Once he began appearing in films, that skill translated into many great performances and memorable roles. His film career included both acting and directing opportunities and lasted nearly forty years

Which of the following is the primary purpose of the passage?

37 / 40

Jose Ferrer was known as one of the most successful American film actors of his generation, but he actually began his career in theater. He was born January 8, 1909 in Puerto Rico and moved to the United States when he was six years old. His acting skills were first showcased while he attended Princeton University and performed with the Triangle Club, a student acting group whose alumni also include Jimmy Stewart and F. Scott Fitzgerald After graduating, Ferrer continued to perform in theater until he made his Broadway debut in 1935 in the play Charley's Aunt. He had many successful roles on Broadway, including a role in 1943 when he played the villain lago in Shakespeare's play Othello. The title role of Othello in that production was played by the acclaimed actor Paul Robeson. With these two powerful performers, Othello became the longest running play in Broadway history. This record still stands. Ferrer's greatest role, though, was still to come. In 1946, Ferrer was cast in the title role of Cyrano de Bergerac. He won theprestigious Tony award as Cyrano, the tragic hero who fights men with supreme courage but cowardly hides his love for the beautiful Roxanne. His success in this role led directly to his repeated performances as Cyrano in a film version (for which he won an Oscar) and a television version (for which he won an Emmy). He is the only actor to win all three of those special awards for playing the same role. This feat is all the more remarkable because Cyrano de Bergerac was known as a desirable role, one that had been played very well previously by other talented actors. Through these roles, Ferrer earned a reputation on Broadway as an extremely flexible actor, talented enough to play many diverse roles. Eight years after his debut in professional theater, he finally started performing in movies. Once he began appearing in films, that skill translated into many great performances and memorable roles. His film career included both acting and directing opportunities and lasted nearly forty years

The author would most likely agree with which of the following?

38 / 40

Jose Ferrer was known as one of the most successful American film actors of his generation, but he actually began his career in theater. He was born January 8, 1909 in Puerto Rico and moved to the United States when he was six years old. His acting skills were first showcased while he attended Princeton University and performed with the Triangle Club, a student acting group whose alumni also include Jimmy Stewart and F. Scott Fitzgerald After graduating, Ferrer continued to perform in theater until he made his Broadway debut in 1935 in the play Charley's Aunt. He had many successful roles on Broadway, including a role in 1943 when he played the villain lago in Shakespeare's play Othello. The title role of Othello in that production was played by the acclaimed actor Paul Robeson. With these two powerful performers, Othello became the longest running play in Broadway history. This record still stands. Ferrer's greatest role, though, was still to come. In 1946, Ferrer was cast in the title role of Cyrano de Bergerac. He won theprestigious Tony award as Cyrano, the tragic hero who fights men with supreme courage but cowardly hides his love for the beautiful Roxanne. His success in this role led directly to his repeated performances as Cyrano in a film version (for which he won an Oscar) and a television version (for which he won an Emmy). He is the only actor to win all three of those special awards for playing the same role. This feat is all the more remarkable because Cyrano de Bergerac was known as a desirable role, one that had been played very well previously by other talented actors. Through these roles, Ferrer earned a reputation on Broadway as an extremely flexible actor, talented enough to play many diverse roles. Eight years after his debut in professional theater, he finally started performing in movies. Once he began appearing in films, that skill translated into many great performances and memorable roles. His film career included both acting and directing opportunities and lasted nearly forty years

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

39 / 40

Jose Ferrer was known as one of the most successful American film actors of his generation, but he actually began his career in theater. He was born January 8, 1909 in Puerto Rico and moved to the United States when he was six years old. His acting skills were first showcased while he attended Princeton University and performed with the Triangle Club, a student acting group whose alumni also include Jimmy Stewart and F. Scott Fitzgerald After graduating, Ferrer continued to perform in theater until he made his Broadway debut in 1935 in the play Charley's Aunt. He had many successful roles on Broadway, including a role in 1943 when he played the villain lago in Shakespeare's play Othello. The title role of Othello in that production was played by the acclaimed actor Paul Robeson. With these two powerful performers, Othello became the longest running play in Broadway history. This record still stands. Ferrer's greatest role, though, was still to come. In 1946, Ferrer was cast in the title role of Cyrano de Bergerac. He won theprestigious Tony award as Cyrano, the tragic hero who fights men with supreme courage but cowardly hides his love for the beautiful Roxanne. His success in this role led directly to his repeated performances as Cyrano in a film version (for which he won an Oscar) and a television version (for which he won an Emmy). He is the only actor to win all three of those special awards for playing the same role. This feat is all the more remarkable because Cyrano de Bergerac was known as a desirable role, one that had been played very well previously by other talented actors. Through these roles, Ferrer earned a reputation on Broadway as an extremely flexible actor, talented enough to play many diverse roles. Eight years after his debut in professional theater, he finally started performing in movies. Once he began appearing in films, that skill translated into many great performances and memorable roles. His film career included both acting and directing opportunities and lasted nearly forty years

The author would most likely agree with all of the following EXCEPT

40 / 40

Jose Ferrer was known as one of the most successful American film actors of his generation, but he actually began his career in theater. He was born January 8, 1909 in Puerto Rico and moved to the United States when he was six years old. His acting skills were first showcased while he attended Princeton University and performed with the Triangle Club, a student acting group whose alumni also include Jimmy Stewart and F. Scott Fitzgerald After graduating, Ferrer continued to perform in theater until he made his Broadway debut in 1935 in the play Charley's Aunt. He had many successful roles on Broadway, including a role in 1943 when he played the villain lago in Shakespeare's play Othello. The title role of Othello in that production was played by the acclaimed actor Paul Robeson. With these two powerful performers, Othello became the longest running play in Broadway history. This record still stands. Ferrer's greatest role, though, was still to come. In 1946, Ferrer was cast in the title role of Cyrano de Bergerac. He won theprestigious Tony award as Cyrano, the tragic hero who fights men with supreme courage but cowardly hides his love for the beautiful Roxanne. His success in this role led directly to his repeated performances as Cyrano in a film version (for which he won an Oscar) and a television version (for which he won an Emmy). He is the only actor to win all three of those special awards for playing the same role. This feat is all the more remarkable because Cyrano de Bergerac was known as a desirable role, one that had been played very well previously by other talented actors. Through these roles, Ferrer earned a reputation on Broadway as an extremely flexible actor, talented enough to play many diverse roles. Eight years after his debut in professional theater, he finally started performing in movies. Once he began appearing in films, that skill translated into many great performances and memorable roles. His film career included both acting and directing opportunities and lasted nearly forty years

Which of the following best describes the author’s attitude toward Jose Ferrer?

Your score is
