SSAT <- Upper Level SSAT <- 2012 SSAT Practice Test - Verbal Section - 60 Questions 2012 SSAT Practice Test - Verbal Section - 60 Questions Share Quiz Get Embed Code Copy the code below to embed this quiz on your website: <iframe src="" width="100%" height="800" style="border: none; max-width: 100%;" data-source="tutorone" allowfullscreen></iframe> Copy Code 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960 2012 SSAT Practice Test - Verbal Section - 60 Questions 1 / 60 Directions: Each question in Part One is made up of a word in capital letters followed by four choices. Choose the one word that is most nearly the same in meaning as the word in capital letters. PLEAD: cry tease beg try strike To plead is to appeal earnestly or desperately to beg 2 / 60 PROWL: sneak leave fight(1) scrub growl To prowl is to move around secretly, stealthily - in other words, to sneak 3 / 60 VESSEL: car account decoration container blood A vessel, such as a bowl or glass, is a container for holding something 4 / 60 APPROVE: judge favorably watch attentively regard innocently consider carefully withhold information To approve means to judge favorably 5 / 60 SEEP: fall stick gurgle liquefy ooze To seep means to flow through little cracks or to ooze 6 / 60 VEX: play irritate locate scream scribble To vex means to anger, or irritate. 7 / 60 DOZE: refresh bore ignore sleep graze To doze is to sleep lightly. You might doze because someone bores you, but the two words are not synonymous. 8 / 60 BOUNTY: upper limit woven basket generous gift new harvest outside border A bounty is a reward or gift. 9 / 60 COARSE: rough unpopular difficult sticky sifted Something coarse is harsh or rough. 10 / 60 MEEK: old quick submissive tiny worried Meek means mild-mannered or submissive. 11 / 60 HARBINGER: entry dock messenger consequence lagoon A harbinger is a messenger. Dark clouds are often a harbinger of a rain storm. 12 / 60 SENTRY: beginning row companion watch revolutionary A sentry is a group of people who look out for certain things— a watch. During war, the sentry looks out for the enemy. 13 / 60 ORBIT: inertia galaxy project revolution program An orbit occurs when one object circles around another object, it is a revolution. When the moon orbits the earth, it makes a revolution. Don't be tricked by the fact that revolution also means a war, as in the American Revolution. If a word has more than one meaning, make sure you consider them all before deciding that an answer choice is incorrect. 14 / 60 PARADOX: contradiction curse imperfection dislike submission A paradox occurs when one thing is said, but another is meant-it's a confusion or a contradiction. The word "bittersweet" is a contradiction; How can something be bitter and sweet at the same time? 15 / 60 BUFFOON: median gas sphere gift fool A buffoon is a person who everyone makes fun of—a fool. Clowns often pretend to be buffoons. 16 / 60 IMMINENT: immature impenetrable impossible impending implicated An imminent event is just about to happen it is impending. For centuries, people have believed that the end of the world is imminent. 17 / 60 TUMULT: philosophy sustenance disorder juvenilia dossier Tumult is havoc, or disorder. When a Hurricane goes through towns it can create a tumult. 18 / 60 SPURN: reject unearth clash incinerate twirl To spurn someone is to scorn or reject someone. A spurned friend is a rejected friend. 19 / 60 PLETHORA: waste compassion forewarning myth excess Plethora is the opposite of dearth. A plethora is an abundance or an excess of something. If there's a plethora of corn, There's a great deal of corn. 20 / 60 DISSEMINATE: broadcast discourage clarify subside renovate To disseminate. something is to spread it out or to broadcast it. To disseminate information is to broadcast it. 21 / 60 LUCKY: gleeful hilaricus happy fortunate useful Being lucky means having or bringing a good fortune. This is my lucky number. 22 / 60 IRRESPONSIBLE: unsure incisive inconclusive unrealistic unreliable Being irresponsible means showing lack of care for consequences.. It is very irresponsible of him not to answer my letter. 23 / 60 JEOPARDY: journey archival entertaining endangerment vocabulary Jeopardy means a source of danger. Their future is in jeopardy. 24 / 60 MOIST: fresh sponge swamp damp saturate Being moist means slightly wet. The seeds need rich and moist soil. 25 / 60 SHAMEFUL: humiliating bewildering caustic evil willful Being shameful means deserving or bringing disgrace or shame. Is being a beggar very shameful? 26 / 60 PRECLUDE: promise avoid imagine prevent listen To preclude is to keep from happening or arising. That will preclude his escaping. 27 / 60 FOIBLE: flaw strength goodbye story tradition Foible is a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual. it is a big foible for all the people. 28 / 60 MEDITATE: reject agree compromise repair ponder To meditate is to reflect deeply on a topic. I am at peace as I meditate. 29 / 60 TRAVESTY: disaster mockery misfortune adage opinion A travesty is a debased or grotesque likeness or a mockery. 30 / 60 SURMISE: provide daybreak govern guess shock Surmise is a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence. Your first surmise was right. 31 / 60 Part Two Directions: Each question below is made up of a sentence with one or two blanks. One blank indicates that one word is missing. Two blanks indicate that two words are missing. Each sentence is followed by four choices. Select the one word or pair of words that will best complete the meaning of the sentence as a whole. Braid is to hair as wind is to movie joke bow clock run We braid hair, as we wind a clock. To braid and to wind are actions applied to objects. 32 / 60 Blade is to grass as grain is to sand plant is to leaves roof is to house metal is to rod air is to gas Blades make up grass as grains make up Andie. The Relationship is that of part to Choices (B), (C) and (E) are incorrect because the relationship is type to characteristic. Choice (D) has no obvious relationship other than rods may be made of metal. 33 / 60 Athlete is to training as student is to studying child is to parent porpoise is to sea adult is to child mercenary is to money An athlete needs training to succeed: a student needs studying to succeed. The relationship is object to its function. Choice (E) is incorrect because the relationship is worker and creation. Choice (C) is incorrect because the relationship is worker to workplace. Choices (B) and (E) are incorrect because the relationship is that of antonyms. 34 / 60 Novel is to author as opera is to composer light is to switch form is to shape song is to tape rain is to flood A novel is written by an author. An opera is written by a composer. The relationship is worker and creation. Choices (E) and (B) are incorrect because they show cause to effect. Choice (C) is incorrect because the relationship is that of synonyms. Choice (D) is incorrect because the relationship is part of the whole. Several songs make up a tape. 35 / 60 Miser is to gold as button is to zipper prison is to criminal toastmaster is to dinner general is to victories engine is to caboose A miser desires gold as a general desires victories. The relationship is cause to effect. Choice (E) is incorrect because the relationship is item to category. Choice (C) is incorrect because it is worker and creation. Choice (B) is incorrect because it is worker to workplace. Choice (A) is incorrect because the relationship is that of synonyms. 36 / 60 Horse is to centaur as worm is to snake fish is to mermaid cat is to lion unicorn is to tapestry Pegasus is to fly A centaur is a mythological horse. A mermaid is a mythological fish. The relationship is that of synonyms. Choice (E) is incorrect because it is the relationship of worker and creation. Choices (A) and (C) are incorrect because they are both item to category in relationship. Choice (D) is incorrect because there is no relationship: 37 / 60 Bat is to ball as theater is to seats glove is to hand fist is to mitt foot is to pedal stove is to pan A foot moves against a pedal, as a bat hits against a ball. The relationship is action to object. Choices (A) and (E) are incorrect because the relationship is worker and workplace. Choices (B) and (C) are incorrect because the relationship is object to material: 38 / 60 Ignition is to start as air is to tire brake is to stop gas is to tank shut is to door radio is to antenna We start a car with the ignition; we stop a car with the brake. The relationship is action to object. Choices (D) and (E) are incorrect since the relationship is object to its function. Choices (A) and (C) are incorrect because the relationship is object to its material. A tire needs air; a tank needs gas. 39 / 60 Touch is to push as sip is to gulp glass is to water translucent is to opaque angry is to choleric water is to milk To push is an extreme touch; to gulp is an extreme sip. All four words are verbs. The relationship is type to characteristic. Choice (E) is incorrect. While the relationship is similar, the item to category relationship would better fit; both items are drinks. However, the words are nouns and there- fore not a true analogy. Choice (D) is incorrect. The words are synonyms. Choice (B) is incorrect; one uses a glass to drink, therefore the relationship is item to function. Choice (C) is incorrect because the words are antonyms. 40 / 60 Bananas are to bunch as chicken is to duck capon is to rooster ram is to ewe surgeon is to operation lettuce is to head Bananas are collected by the bunch; lettuce is collected by the head. The relationship is type to characteristic. Choice (B) is incorrect because the words are synonyms. Choice (C) is incorrect because the words are antonyms. Choice (A) is incorrect because the relationship is item to category— both words represent members of the fowl family. Choice (D) is incorrect because it is object to function, a surgeon performs an operation. 41 / 60 Accelerator is to motion as ignition is to speed catalyst is to change inertia is to immobile experiment is to hypothesis automobile is to vehicle Cause and effect. An accelerator causes the motion of the car, a catalyst causes the chemical change. 42 / 60 Probable is to certain as plausible is to definite approach is to reproach steady is to rocky correct is to accurate save is to record The relationship is one of degree. Probable is likely, but less likely than certain; plausible is possible, but less likely than definite. 43 / 60 Obstruct is to impede as impenetrable is to porous impervious transparent hidden merciful The relationship is one of true synonyms. 44 / 60 Include is to omit as acknowledge is to know notice greet ignore recognize This analogy involves true antonyms. 45 / 60 Nucleus is to electron as constellation is to Sun Earth is to satellite neutron is to proton atom is to neutron Earth is to Sun The relationship is that of object to actor. The nucleus is the object that is orbited by an electron; the earth is the object that is orbited by a satellite. Choice (B) reverses the order of the relationship. 46 / 60 Sculptor is to statue as programmer is to computer actor is to play orchestra is to conductor composer is to music paint is io artist Here the relationship is that of actor to object. A sculptor creates a statue, a composer creates music. An actor performs in a play but does not create it. A pro- grammar creates a program while working at a computer. 47 / 60 Dreary is to happy as close is to narrow dearth is to surplus light is to graceful interdict is to expect curtain is to play The analogy is based on an antonym relationship. 48 / 60 Allow is to restrict as seeing is to believing encourage is to prevent gain is to success terrible is to worse heart is to soul This analogy is also based on antonyms. 49 / 60 Interrupt is to speak as intrude is to enter intercede is to interfere telephone is to telegraph interfere is to assist shout is to yell It is hard to categorize this relationship. One interrupts by speaking out of turn, one intrudes by entering out of turn. The relationship in choice (D) might be that of opposites. 50 / 60 Modesty is to arrogance as cause is to purpose hate is to emotion agility is to stamina debility is to strength finance is to poverty The first two terms are true opposites. Only choice (D) offers true opposites. Financial stability is the opposite of poverty, but finance bears no relationship to poverty at all. 51 / 60 Flammable is to inflammable as_ opportune is to inopportune impartial is to disinterested relevant is to incoherent persistent is to important truculent is to intrusion Be careful. Flammable and inflammable are synonyms; both mean easily inflamed. Disinterested means impartial. 52 / 60 Tailor is to pattern as builder is to foundation blueprint contractor architect construct This is a purpose relationship . A tailor follows a pattern to construct a piece of clothing; a builder follows a blueprint to construct a building. 53 / 60 Impeach is to dismiss as imprison is to jail arraign is to indict absent is to present plant is to sow accuse is to charge The relationship is sequential. Impeachment indictment (placement of charges). 54 / 60 Speedy is to greyhound as clever is to fox wool is to lamb mammal is to whale fin is to fish shark is to voracious The relationship is of characteristic to animal. Choice (E) reverses the relationship. 55 / 60 Exhale is to lung as pump is to heart taste is to tongue think is to brain exhume is to corpse perspire is to skin Al choices except (D) involve the activity of a bodily organ, so you must think further. Both exhalation and perspiration involve giving of something from within the body. 56 / 60 Celebrate is to birth as._ crime is to penalty party is to graduation announce is to birthday grieve is to death joy is to lament You celebrate a birth, you grieve over a death. The analogy states the effect and it's the cause. 57 / 60 Recommend is to urge as cajole is to insult harass is to bother apply is to receive request is to plead refuse is to deny This is an analogy of degree: To urge is to recommend strongly; to plead is to request strongly. Choice (E) offers syn- o n y m s of equal degree, choice (B) reverses the order. 58 / 60 Weeping is to tears as breathing is to mouth carbon dioxide nose air lungs This is a cause-and-effect relationship. When one weeps, one gives of tears; when one breathes, one gives off carbon Dioxide. 59 / 60 Plane is to air pocket as horse is to reins safety is to danger ground is to sky vehicle is to rut hangar is to airport The relationship is hard to categorize but easy to spot. An air pocket makes a plane bounce; a rut has the same effect on a vehicle. 60 / 60 Arbitrate is to dispute as regard is to problem exacerbate is to problem organize is to labor management is to union solve is to mystery This is a verb - to - nouns relationship . Arbitrate is what one does to a dispute; solve is what must be done to a mystery. Your score is Follow us on socials! 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