Their services include _______.
The police department of New York City has one branch that many do not know
about, although it was established almost a century ago. This is the harbor precinct's
14-boat fleet of police launches, which patrols 578 miles of waters around the city,
paying particular attention to the areas containing 500 piers and some 90 boat clubs.
(5) The boats are equipped for various jobs. One boat is an ice-breaker; another is
equipped to render aid in the event of an airplane crash at La Guardia Airport. All of the
boats are equipped with lifeline guns, heavy grappling irons to raise sunken automobiles,
and lasso-sticks to rescue animals in the water. They have power pumps to bail out
sinking craft, first-aid kits, extra life preservers, signal flags, and searchlights.
(10) The force of 183 officers have all had previous experience with boats. Some of the
officers are Navy and Coast Guard veterans. Many of the harbor police officers have
ocean-going Master's or Harbor Captain's licenses. Al are highly trained in the care and
handling of engines and navigation. Al are skilled in giving first aid, and each officer
is a qualified radio operator and a trained marks-man with a revolver.
(15) The work of the police includes many tasks. One duty of this force is to check the
operation of the fleet of 43 junk boats that ply their trade in the harbor, buying scrap,
rope, and other items for resale ashore. These boats could just as easily be used to
smuggle narcotics, gems, aliens, or spies into the country, so they are watched closely
by the city's harbor police force. During the last summer, the police launches towed
(20) 450 disabled boats and gave some kind of help to thousands of others. The officers also
arrest those who break navigation laws or who endanger the safety of bathers by
approaching too near the shore in speed boats.